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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

MrMissMrs Random
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by MrMissMrs Random Fri May 04, 2012 8:20 pm

"It's almost full so cap it please." Manda replied.
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by Ra The BlazeWingPhoenix Fri May 04, 2012 8:20 pm

Suzume did as she was told to.
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by MrMissMrs Random Fri May 04, 2012 8:23 pm

OOC: Are they back in the skyscraper or a house?

Manda moved back and took some items out of her pack. She took her sleeping bag and unzipped it until it was fully laid out and started to place pillows on it.
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by Ra The BlazeWingPhoenix Fri May 04, 2012 8:24 pm

OOC: House.

Suzume watched, seeing as how she didn't have much else for herself, other than the blanket.
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by MrMissMrs Random Fri May 04, 2012 8:31 pm

Manda sat down and patted the spot next to her. "Come on, there's plenty room for two."
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by Ra The BlazeWingPhoenix Sat May 05, 2012 2:53 am

"I'm a fitful sleeper," Suzume lied to the girl. "I can't stay still while I sleep."
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by CodastertheDisaster Sat May 05, 2012 3:16 am

Isaac woke, quite a while later, with a rather painful headache. He got off the table he had, for unknown reasons, decided to use as a bed. He rolled his shoulders and neck, trying to work the kinks out, and stretched a little. "Damn," he said, popping his neck, exiting the room.
He moved to a large window, surveying the area. The sky was starting to get dark, and it was getting colder, though Isaac didn't feel it. There was a large silhouette on the horizon. Perhaps it was a bird, but Isaac was wary of it. He didn't know what it was, so he headed up to the roof, just in case it was the Greater coming back.

A few minutes passed, and Isaac recognized the shape as a demon; not a greater, but still a large, flying demon. He was ready to shoot it out of the air, when it took a dive towards a nearby house. He'd seen the metal elementalist and Manda go in that direction earlier. Taking no chances, he sprinted towards the house and jumped. Thirty stories.

Isaac landed on the demon, the type he'd nicknamed Corvus Serpent demons, because of their off mixture of crow-like and snake-like features. He was still high up in the air, though he managed to make it drop several stories. He held on tightly, flying it towards the ground. He managed to get it to about thirty feet off, before it managed to pry Isaac off. The demon threw him to the ground, which he hit rather hardly, not getting a chance to roll. He was laying on the ground, immobilized, while the demon tore into the girl's house. He was getting up slowly, and as the thing tore the roof off and dived in, Isaac was already sprinting towards the house. He leaped, sailing straight over the wall, and on top of the demon. He shoved it into a wall, and threw several punches and kicks, forming an ice lance, hesitating before the final blow. He let the creature rake it's talons across his chest, then impaled it, shattering the lance inside it. It dropped to the ground and started disintegrating. He looked at the metal elementalist. "I know we didn't start off on the right foot, so let's start over." he said. He walked up to her, and offered his hand. "I'm Isaac. I've got your ba-" he was cut off as something big and heavy slammed into him. It was a demon about the size of a refrigerator, with large bat wings and a roughly humanoid shape, although the arms were bladed, and it had large ram horns. It roared, and kicked Isaac again, sending him to the other side of the room, momentarily paralyzing him.

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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by Ra The BlazeWingPhoenix Sat May 05, 2012 3:24 am

"Fucking hell," Suzume muttered under her breath, quickly throwing up a shield around Manda's bed. Made of titanium metal. "Oi, bird brain, why dontcha mess with someone who can actually take a blow," Suzume gestured, and out of the ground rose a naginata.

"Come on birdy, let's dance." Metal armour began to form around herself. Then, spikes lashed out from the ground at the bird demon.
Ra The BlazeWingPhoenix
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by CodastertheDisaster Sat May 05, 2012 3:31 am

Isaac was starting to regain movement, getting up slowly, as metalchick engaged the demon. She threw up a shield around Manda, then started lashing out with a weapon Isaac hadn't seen before, and some metal spikes. Several spikes punctured the demon's wings and chest. The girl's attacks literally ripped the demon to shreds, and it started lurching forward, aiming to at least get a strike in before it died. An icicle came down from the sky and pinned it's arm to the ground, and it bled out, starting to disintegrate. Isaac was standing behind it as it slumped to the floor, disintegrating. "Nice. Thanks for saving my ass." he said, taking a few steps forward, and offering his hand again. "Like I said, let's start over. I'll watch your back, you watch mine?"

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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by Ra The BlazeWingPhoenix Sat May 05, 2012 3:37 am

The armour receeded, and Suzume wiped sweat from her brow. She looked down at the hand, then folded her arms. "We'll see if you prove to be worth me watching your ass." she stated. "Sparrow is the name." The shield lowered around Manda.
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by CodastertheDisaster Sat May 05, 2012 3:41 am

Isaac laughed, smirking slightly. "I just jumped off a thirty story building onto a demon. Granted, I did get blindsided like a dumbfuck, but, hey. Still jumped." he said, sticking his hands in his pocket. "Like I said, we might have got off on the wrong foot. But whether or not you're in my tribe, or even a friend, you're here, fighting against demons. Whether it's for yourself or for others, I don't care. You're still kickin' ass, and I like that. I got your back." he said, then turned around and started to walk off.

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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by Ra The BlazeWingPhoenix Sat May 05, 2012 3:52 am

"I somewhat like that guy now." Suzume muttered. "He has balls. I'll give him that."
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by CodastertheDisaster Sat May 05, 2012 4:19 am

Isaac was able to remain calm until he reached the medical supply room. There wasn't much, besides a nearly-empty bottle of rubbing alcohol, some gauze, and one syringe full of adrenaline. Grabbed a wad of gauze, since there was nothing else to use, and peeled his shirt off, which was now saturated with blood. He soaked the gauze in alcohol and drug it across the wounds in his chest. They weren't too bad, though one would need stitches as soon as possible. He ended up using the rest of the alcohol cleaning his wounds, then bandaged himself up. He grabbed the adrenaline, and shot himself up with it, waiting a few seconds for it to kick in. He took a deep breath and shook his head, feeling it kick in. His vision felt sharper, his hearing clearer. The pain faded, and his heart started beating faster. Probably a bad thing in this situation, but he needed to get to a hospital. The only one that he knew hadn't been picked clean was St. Luke's.

It was almost an hour and a half getting to St. Luke's. It was dark by now, and Isaac was feeling exhausted. He still needed stitches in one of the cuts, and he could tell, the blood loss was making him feel dizzy, though the adrenaline helped, though it had worn off by now. He could see the building in front of him, and he stumbled inside, picking through several rooms. He was on the second floor, and he walked inside one of the surgery rooms. It had been prepped for something, but apparently was never finished. The skeletons of the doctors and patient lie on the ground, some crushed or torn apart. Bloodstains were splattered all over the walls. However, the instruments were still in their sterile packs, so he tore open surgical thread and a needle, setting up a mirror so he could see himself, and flicking a switch on the light, praying that it would work. It flickered on after a few seconds, filling the room with an inconsistently-flickering light. He took a deep breath and stuffed the plastic wrappers in his mouth so he'd have something to bite down on. He started stitching.

Several minutes, and much screaming and grunting later, Isaac managed to stitch himself up. He was panting heavily, and red faced, several veins popping out under his skin. He'd tossed the rest of the usable supplies he'd found in the room into a backpack he'd brought along, and pulled an extra, clean shirt on. He stumbled up and down the hallway, and through several rooms, finding some morphine, gauze, sutures, and various other painkillers and medications. He headed back downstairs, and was about to be on his way when he noticed a sign:


Isaac smirked and headed downstairs, picking through some of the pods and cabinets. There was some highly-nutritious foodstuffs, which were used for people who had been in cryo for a while and needed the nutrients desperately. There was also a few bottles of water, and some various pills: Multivitamins, caffeine pills, ibuprofen, general cryo and stasis recovery items. He stuffed his backpack full and was about to be on his way when he noticed something:

A person stuck in a stasis pod. Isaac stared at it, awe-struck, before running up to it, guessing what buttons to hit to open it. Eventually, a red light came on, flashing to alert people that someone was coming out of stasis. Isaac honestly had no idea what to do, so he got out a bottle of water and what he figured the kid would need. Food, some ibuprofen, and caffeine.

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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by blackoutEquinox Sat May 05, 2012 11:05 am

Aculeus awoke inside of the stasis chamber just as the door was beginning to open. He pushed the door the rest of the way open to step out and immediately collapsed to floor, "Damn jello legs," he muttered under his breath.

It was then that Aculeus noticed the person in front of him. Aculues tried to stand back up but his legs were still jello and his prosthetic left arm wasn't working as it should. He closed his eyes and prayed that this kid, whom ever they were, was going to help.
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by Big Uri Sat May 05, 2012 12:18 pm

"So unless you're packing a whole load of food under that coat, I guess we're scavenging," Danny told Jason.
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by General Azimuth Sat May 05, 2012 12:24 pm

While one of the demons was being destroyed, the other had found it's way over to the Dog House, as Xone had named it. He saw the demon coming, and immediately located the strongest, fastest, best fed dogs, (7 dogs) and created a General's Link, as he called it, in which he could command the dogs like an army platoon for a bit. He looked around the house, and found a shower curtain rod. He made sure he had his knife, and he and his platoon went to attack the demon. He threw the shower rod at the demon's wing, temporarily bringing it down,and while pulling out his knife, got 2 dogs to cover each wing. He then sent 1 dog to attack each arm, while he and the strongest dog attacked the head. It suddenly slashed the arm dogs to bits, and flew off, badly wounded. "Let's get inside, before another one comes!" he yelled at the remaining dogs, before severing the link.


"I got nothing," she said.Neveah saw a demon attack a house near the tower, another join it then fly away, before reappearing escaping another house. She saw that the demon was wounded, and creted two dark rings, and captured the demon's wings with them. "Guys, a little help here?"
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by quackers are yummylicious Sat May 05, 2012 12:31 pm

Josephine raised an eyebrow, before sighing, her wings forming before she shot into the air. "Don't go looking for fights, dumbass," she grumbled, flying towards the demon and swinging her bat at its head.
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by MrMissMrs Random Sat May 05, 2012 12:39 pm

"That was cool..." Manda replied after Isaac left.
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by General Azimuth Sat May 05, 2012 12:47 pm

"Well it's half dead anyways," Neveah said before launching rings at the demon, wrapping around it's neck, crushing it's throat.
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by quackers are yummylicious Sat May 05, 2012 12:52 pm

Josephine swore loudly, narrowly avoiding the rings by flicking off her light and free falling about ten feet, before catching herself. "The fuck are you trying to pull, girly?" she demanded, glowing brightly as her temper rose.
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by Ra The BlazeWingPhoenix Sat May 05, 2012 1:40 pm

"Which part?" Suzume asked.
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by CodastertheDisaster Sat May 05, 2012 1:55 pm

Isaac watched the kid get up, and fall to the floor. He was relatively dark skinned, the bright green of his eyes and the grey of a prosthetic arm heavily contrasted with the rest of him. By now, Isaac was feeling pretty dizzy, but he knew that he couldn't just leave the kid here.
He grabbed the guy's good arm and pulled him to his feet, wrapping an arm around his torso to support him. "Anywhere you're supposed to be?" he asked, offering him a protein bar. "Oh yeah, and I'm Isaac."

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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by blackoutEquinox Sat May 05, 2012 2:04 pm

Aculeus snatched up the protein bar and ate it slowly. He could almost stand alone now as feeling returned to his limbs though he still needed Isaac's support as much as Isaac needed his. "My name is Aculeus," he began, "I'm here on a supply run because my village in the Wildlife Refuge was attacked by a Greater Demon. I need to get back there fast, they'll be worried about me."
The Physicist

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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by MrMissMrs Random Sat May 05, 2012 2:18 pm

"When Mr. Isaac fell out of the sky and wooossshh! And then you with the metal going ching ching ching!" Manda replied, making sound effects and wavign her hands around.
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Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1 - Page 17 Empty Re: Nightfall, Children of the Elements Part 1

Post by Ra The BlazeWingPhoenix Sat May 05, 2012 2:23 pm

"Well, Mr. Isaac is a dummy for making that jump," Suzume sighed. If he had missed his target. Splat.
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